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Home: Regional: Asia: India: Business and Economy: Financial Services: Stock Exchanges
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  1. National Stock Exchange (NSE) - Official site with updated information on scrips, indices, corporate affairs and current activities. Trades equities, corporate bonds, government paper and derivatives. Offers real-time prices and quotes.
  2. Calcutta Stock Exchange - Offers information on local index shares, discussion forums, quotes and charts.
  3. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) - Largest and oldest exchange in India. Current quotes, data, BSE index and securities information.
  4. National Securities Depository - NSDL is the depository for the equity market in India. The site includes "corporate brochure", data about securities, and depository participants.
  5. Pune Stock Exchange - Information about members, trading activities, turnover, company listings, council of management and future plans. Provides rules and regulations and the annual report.
  6. Inter-Connected Stock Exchange of India (ISE) - Brief listing information on this securities market of India.
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