- All India Cost and Management Accountants - Discussion board and articles for members of the International Cost and Works Accountants of India.
-- http://www.aicmas.com - Chartered Accountants In India - Extensive list of articles, forum discussions, and links to external sources on a site operated by an anonymous webmaster.
-- http://www.cainindia.org - Institute of Chartered Accountants of India - Regulates the profession of Chartered Accountants in India. Includes. Includes member services, public information, reference sources, and student section.
-- http://icai.org - Chartered Institute of Management Accountants - CIMA, founded in 1919, is one of the oldest professional organizations devoted to financial management and cost accounting.
-- http://www.cimaglobal.com - Society of Management Accountants of Canada - Includes information about management accounting practices including tables of contents and selected articles from the CMA Magazine (in English and French).
-- http://www.cma-canada.org - Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants - Information about the CA profession and activities, courses and conferences offered by the Institute and a comprehensive catalogue of over 200 products aimed at accountants and business professionals.
-- http://www.cica.ca - Institute of Management Accountants - An association dedicated to the educating, certifying, and training management accountants and corporate financial managers.
-- http://www.imanet.org - National Institute of Certified Public Accountants (NICPA) - Offers a professional certification program in accountancy in India.
-- http://www.cpaindia.org - Chamber of Income Tax Consultants - A professional body for tax consultants with headquarters in Mumbai, India.
-- http://www.citcindia.org - South African Institute of Chartered Accountants - Includes a searchable members directory and a description of accounting practice structures and certifications in South Africa.
-- http://www.saica.co.za |