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Home: Health: Women's Health: Resources
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  1. Women's Health - Research findings from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) on breast cancer, treatment of common uterine conditions, Cesarean sections, low birthweight, hysterectomy and alternatives, domestic violence, and health care for minority women.
  2. Better Ideal Weight Calculations - Better Ideal Weight - body calculations, Four methods compared
  3. Office of Women's Health, U.S. Public Health Service - A US Government agency promoting research, information, and service to women's health. The site contains extensive information in a FAQ section about many aspects of women's health.
  4. Hardin MD: Womens Health & Gynecology (ObGyn) - From the University of Iowa, the lists of Internet sources in women's health (including pregnancy, childbirth, breast cancer, and midwifery), obstetrics and gynecology.
  5. Women's Health - Offers information about issues such as heavy bleeding, fibroids, hysterectomy, menopause and hormones, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ovarian problems.
  6. Answers for Women - An educational, research, and health care center that includes a wide variety of general health care, gynecologic care, infertility, prenatal and genetic counseling, obstetrics care, women's gynecologic cancer care, and research education.
  7. MedlinePlus: Women's Health Resources - National Institute of Health site with up to date information on women's health issues, covering everything from domestic violence to ovarian cancer.
  8. FDA Information for Women - Comprehensive site on FDA information relating to food, drugs and cosmetics in relation to women's health.
  9. MCW HealthLink - News and information about women's health issues such as breast cancer, heart disease, ovarian cancer and reproductive health from the Medical College of Wisconsin.
  10. FAQs on Women's Health - Comprehensive information, questions and answers, flow charts and illustrations dealing with issues and conditions. Includes an introduction, infertility, contraception, menopause, menstrual cycle disorders and the lower urogenital tract.
  11. Physical Activity and Health: Women - Surgeon General's report on the beneficial effects of physical activity on women's health.
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